Monday, September 13, 2010

Gtalk and Skype will interact

When the end of last year, Google with 10 million to acquire 5% stake in AOL, in alliance with AOL at the same time, AIM has established interoperability with Gtalk. Although we can now use some unofficial ways to achieve Gtalk and AIM and other IM interoperability, but to wait for the official Google still some time to achieve.鍚屾牱鍦帮紝杩戞棩Google鍙堟嬁涓嬩簡eBay锛屼綔涓哄悎浣滅殑鍐呭涔嬩竴锛孏talk鍜孲kype灏嗕細鍏卞悓琚簲鐢ㄥ埌鐐瑰嚮閫氳瘽鐨勫箍鍛婇噷銆?Therefore, we suspect Gtalk and Skype will interact.鐜板湪锛孏talk瀹樻柟blog纭浜嗚繖涓?秷鎭?

Gtalk's product marketing manager Lewis Lin said, Google Gtalk and Skype will be started studying ways to achieve official interoperability, to allow both users to more easily communicate, including voice calls. Skype has more than 100 million worldwide users in China alone more than 13 million users. Although the number of the Gtalk users worldwide is unknown, but there were some statistics that the U.S. base camp, Gtalk number of active online users only 44,000. So if we can achieve interoperability with Skype, Gtalk and I believe that the promotion has a great advantage.

Benefit, of course, our customers, because I myself is Skype and Gtalk users. To achieve such interoperability, we do not have the same time open up the two IM.


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